Etching And Engraving


Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Stretching Boundaries

Each of us lives life in small selective secure environments, the size dependent upon our experiences, perception of ourselves and our capabilities. Our boundaries are the invisible lines, which produce a sense of inner security. Whenever we are challenged to extend our selves over these invisible lines we naturally interpret the experience as a feeling of fear. Remember the first time you rode a push bike, or got on a buss by you, or went for a job interview. Humans have a natural tendency to be afraid of the unknown. A good example of this is to get on an airplane for the first time, for many these is a terrifying experience.

So why do we give ourselves such a hard time over feeling this way? If fear is a natural state when experiencing something new or unknown, why do we think it a quality to be ashamed of? Stretching our boundaries reminds us that there are millions of experiences out there of which we have no practical experiential knowledge. Vulnerability comes to the fore, of our lack of confidence in an unknown situation often ultimately leaves us shaking and quaking in fear of being thrust into the unknown and our minds throwing in every negative self diminishing thought it can find. However it?s stepping into the unknown which challenges us to think positive, while expanding our experience of our world in turn provoking us to live our lives to the fullest. Everything we do requires we face some form of apprehension or resistance to the growth that is natural. For some people it?s more than for other people, for example one person may be absolutely terrified of riding a horse, and not even want to try, while another person may be afraid but desperately want to have a go. We are all individuals in what we experience. There is a great book that has been out for years called, ?Feel the fear and do it anyway.? If you have big issues with boundaries and trying new things I suggest you read this book. It will definitely help.

Stretching our boundaries reminds us that there are millions of experiences out there of which we have no practical experiential knowledge. Vulnerability comes to the fore, of our lack of confidence in an unknown situation often ultimately leaves us shaking and quaking in fear of being thrust into the unknown and our minds throwing in every negative self diminishing thought it can find. However it?s stepping into the unknown which challenges us to think positive, while expanding our experience of our world in turn provoking us to live our lives to the fullest. Everything we do requires we face some form of apprehension or resistance to the growth that is natural. For some people it?s more than for other people, for example one person may be absolutely terrified of riding a horse, and not even want to try, while another person may be afraid but desperately want to have a go. We are all individuals in what we experience. There is a great book that has been out for years called, ?Feel the fear and do it anyway.? If you have big issues with boundaries and trying new things I suggest you read this book. It will definitely help.

Stretching our boundaries isn?t always easy, the main reason is we only know what we know, and humans are creatures of habits. To change life circumstances, to step outside of our comfort square is somewhat unnerving for most people. Generally life has to ?toss? us into the deep end in order to expand our perception and develop our skills in life. Its amazing how many people say they just want a quiet life, and there is nothing wrong with that, the thing to remember however is, that if we are not learning, if we are not developing new skills, if we are not living life, we can become bored and in a sense separated from the very essence of spiritual energy, which is experienced through the feelings of ?joy ? excitement ? love ? happiness ? and well being.? So sometimes, life hands us a huge ?toss,? in order to make us get out of complacency. For some people without the provocation of things appearing to go badly, most would never dare to explore their potential, and the vast dimensions of unexplored possibilities would never be discovered and our spirit would lay dormant, boredom taking over and complacency prevailing bringing with it the experience of ~ sadness ? anger ? depression ? poverty and resentment. Every human being has a need to grow and expand in conscious awareness, some taking huge steps others small, the size irrelevant, the desire however lies within us all to move towards a better daily life experience.

I believe that most of the experiences I have had in my life time have been in the long term positive, the hardships have provoked me to rise above the limits of education, finances and the fear of standing in my power as a woman who is committed to making a difference. How do you ?Choose,? to think upon your life experience?

The only difference between success and failure is that to achieve success you never give up; you keep trying exploring, extending, learning, developing, believing. Where people who experience failure, experience the defeat predominately within their thinking. Just because something didn?t quite work out how you thought it would, does not mean you have failed. ?It?s better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.? ?It?s better to have tried than never to have tried at all.? Right at this moment in time you have a choice, you can look for the good that has come out of every situation in your life, or you can focus on the bad. Right at this moment in your life you can A matter of perception: Right at this moment you may not feel abundantly wealthy, but to a child from Africa, your life would appear to be one of immense wealth.

Author of Book of Choices published by Amazon => free self help website

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